


Whisper in my ear that you love me.

I could certainly use a signification for the worldly

to which I must clutch because 

I am only here with this knowledge of you,

My sweetheart, for a lifetime. And I dare dream

of another realm and it makes me mad

with wishes to die now and inherit the embrace

entirely. Now just whisper you love me

And let us dance til the dawn breaks into shards

of pure beauty and togetherness and you.

You are the angel who was sent to keep me here.


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Another beautiful evocation: 

Another beautiful evocation:  but that phrase "shards / Of pure beauty and togetherness and you" deserves to be in every quotation book in every library or database in the world.  I have been reading poetry for over forty-seven years, and I can assure you that line is one of the finest I have ever read, at any time, from any poet.  You should be so proud of having written that phrase. Wow!
