
Crystal Taylor

My Portfolio
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing, Painting, cuddles, partying, watching movies and reading.

I have been writing for 8 years now, I'm hoping to get published one day in my life, all my poetry is based around life events so as you may see they go up and they go down and they level out just the way life does. Writing is my curse as well as my passion, a gift all the same. But at the end of it all, I really am just me, take me as you see me, no frills, no bells or whistles, just a girl with a big heart and much to say.

About My Navel

errrrr. My navel is smooth and round, feminine and has a little scar where it was pierced...

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''judge me not by how many times i have fallen, judge me rather by how many times i have fallen and risen again''


Member for
19 years 48 weeks