star gazing













~ imPRESSions ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Birthed as a result of commenting on another poem. Minor editing tweak but basically as is.

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S74RW4RD's picture

You have such an evocative

You have such an evocative style with words:  even a few of your words say more than most people's many words.  This is one of the aspects of your Poetic talent and skill.  In just a few lines, you set several processes in motion---like the multiple gears within the inner mechanism of a well-made (and uncomputerized) clock.  The excellence of your poems continues to impress me.


redbrick's picture

Thank you kindly Staward,

Thank you kindly Staward, your generous words are a reminder that words laid out and shared have a value beyond what can be expressed. From the first experiences of being read to and to the first attempts at turning the leaves of a new and unknown tale unbound by vicarious journeyings to those early awkward attempts at versification... well into the twilight moments of one's earthly journey, being humans of letters brings and gives continually past human longevity.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver