She left her room
To go to the hospital
Where the diagnosis
Was death
She might never go home
To the pink flowers
That decorate her walls
Now the only decoration
Are the sterile needles
That glisten under the piercing
White lights that line the path
To her possible rest
If I could I would be there
Rolling down the halls
Where pain and death
Tease all who dare to walk its way
I'd gladly take the pain
Let the needles pierce my flesh
With a smile
Have them cut me open
Without anesthetic
And let tears of joy run down my face
I would be the one unable to move
I would be the one alone with my thoughts
And I would die happy if only
I could see her bouncing face
Her expectant grin
And her long black hair flowing in the wind
Let me take her place
And take away her pain
Her family's pain
Let the 4 years of her life
Be the greatest four years ever spent
Let her live my life, joyous and long
And let me proudly take the place
Of the bravest young girl ever
really biting and real.
on a strictly technical note, some parts don't flow well, but that's easily dismissable, because the subject matter's so good.
i liked this a lot.
this is great it is sad i started to cry