We Crack the Mountain in Half

We crack the mountain in half,

To gaze at nothingness inside morning,
Wrapped in dark blankets,
Crying ourselves into light,
boozed and brained,
married in a shotgun  drive-thru wedding,
arraigned ,
next day,
Inside the mountain there's nothingness to say
Don't take,
My last drop of love,
Don't fake,
One ounce,
Her makeup today says she don't care about tomorrow,
Day old cup,
Must be under the weather,
Is it heavy under there,
lightning strikes before thunder
Don't take,
My last drop of love,
Don't fake,
One Ounce,
When we go on,
We'll be locked in ruin,
for every explorer to explain,
barely touching
only we will know
Don't take,
My last drop of love,
Don't fake,
One Ounce
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ashes_theartofburning's picture


I love that line!


"Don't take,

My last drop of love,

Don't fake,

One ounce"



Brilliant! <3



"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

allets's picture

Personal Imagery

The view is smokey and fine . . . drowning in the poet's view of (fill in the blank) - love the settings, the scenery is tactile and in motion ~~A~~