Fuck me

 Fuck you,

 It's fucked up

 What I do,

Tell you this

 And do that,

 Stay out all night

 Lookin for a sack,

 I know it's old

 And I need to quit,

 But without it

 I feel sic,

 And off
 In the head,

 Fuck it

 I can sleep when I'm dead,

 I wish for once

 There was no addiction,

 And I could just be happy

 And go without the friction,

 The friction between

 My heart and mind,

 It's just kinda like

 A deaf man that went blind,

 That's needin to go somewhere

 But cant find his ride,

 Wishin he could see

 So he could drive,

 But without his car

 (The car being will power)

 And lack of drive,

 He's miserable as hell

 And hates being alive,

 He could just kill himself

 Thats easy enough,

 It seems like bein dead

 Wouldn't be as ruff,

 Enough about dude and his shit

( Im gonna move on to me and my shit)

 Here he comes

 There he went,

 Enough is enough

 I gotta quit,

 Before I lose it all

 Got to do somethin,

 To save my soul from the devil

 And his band of demons,

I aint no different

 Then the rest of the heathens,

 That once had a brain

 And knew how to use it,

 And found drugs

 And figured out how to abuse it,

 Thought I was just Kickin it

 And havein some fun,

 Till I got married

 And had a son,

 Now Im stuck

 Never mind!!!!!!

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