They strut about--titled executives,
here from headquarters of the corporation
for which we work. None of us gives
a good damn for their nosy visitation.
Their unscuffed shoes and matching, labeled suits
do not disguise the fact that they are brutes
who cannot speak except in balanced numbers
(but otherwise, they sound like stone-age bumblers).
Aggressive when they smell scent of fresh gains,
they tremble when the passing profit wanes.
They are descended---in a sharp straight line---
from damned fools: businessmen whose greed's expression
plunged this whole world into a deep depression;
then jumped from high ledges in twenty-nine.
The peons tremble and cower
The peons tremble and cower in their cubicles as the senior brass prowl the hallways. Where will the ax fall?
My Secret River
You are exactly right.
You are exactly right. Exactly. I have worked for three major corporations (although most of my working years were spent in a local firm). This "visitation" paranoia has happened in each of the three corporations. Only in the local firm, where everyone from President to peon was on a first name basis, avoided that kind of happy horse manure.
Now that money per the supreme court is free speech - anyone with less than a cool five mill loses their free speech. Services for sale to the highest bidder. I'm surprised there were not more suicides around 2008. The prosecutions certainly were done behind closed doors which probably equalled a wrap on the wrist and fine. - Good topic - slc
Thank you.
Thank you.