the arguments we had
were pitiful and never meant a thing
but why do cry?
my tears for no reason at all
to young and naive to understand
that this is not true love
only a charade
these plans of a happy life together shattered
by my one night stands and secret affairs
but is that what I really wanted??
I look back now and I can answer the question
I wanted someone who I connect with on different levels
who I know intimately
being intimate is like standing on a knife
one slip and you’ll never forget the mistake you make
living on subtly knife
waiting for it to strike and release me from
your grip
these are and were my wasted tears and never again
will this happen because its better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all
so ill take me queue leave you alone and walk along the dusty road my life all alone
I dont know what to say, its a good poem, i cant say what i mean..its hard to do that, like you said being on a knife, don't wanna be on a knife again did it b4, n knife to bed was the result, im sorry again, really i am sorry, didnt know this would happen