Hyena Harris for Prez?

Title: Hyena Harris for Prez?


So Bidan is out, and Harris is in?

The Democrat's are crazy if they think she will win!

Take a step back, and ask; is this the Democrat's hope...

Do they really think, this laughing hyena can bring in the Vote?

People are crazy, but they're not to blame..

A vote for Kamala Harris, is truly insane!

She lied about Bidan, and his cognitive decline...

Now she wants his job, well not on my dime!

She bailed out two murderers, While she was California's AG

Now as the border czar, she promotes illegal migrants murdering me!!

They say you get what you pay for... Is that really true?

Well I'm not voting for Karmala, what about you?

God up above, Save us like you did President Trump!

Not from a bullet, But from a laughing hyena's dumb stunt!

She is not a good choice, that is quite clear...

As the border czar, she's allowed illegal Fentenal to kill citizens here!

©Paul A. Posney 07-21-2024

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I just had to!

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Why do we need to attack

Why do we need to attack candidates with the use of scurilous appellations, like "hyena,"to those we oppose in the electoral arena?   She is a human being, as deserving of basic human resepect as you are, or even as the 45th president.  The election is about issues, not name-calling like on some kiddies' playground.  I suspect the repetitious reliance upon epithets and slurs is a clever way to disguise a woeful lack of understanding the actual issues.
