Looking Back

My times getting shorter, even I can see that!

And I've done things, That I can't take back!

Though I have tried, to live a good life...

My biggest failure, was finding a loving wife.

Though I did try, three times I failed...

Now I'm alone, and it's worse then being in jail.

No one to share time with, as it passes by...

No one to talk to, to even say goodbye!

The last love I had, threw me away...

Her drug was more important, so she didn't stay...

Now facing the end, I have some regret...

The Love I once had, I'll never forget!!!

All I can do, is look back at my past...

And remember the times; that were fun and a blast!


©Paul A Posney 05/26/2024


Author's Notes/Comments: 

For everyone's Information...

I am a Camp Lejeune, Marine who was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease on Feb. 27, 2024....

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