-an alarming curfew-

Shadow Variations.


a nameless voice

inside my head,

i guess, it's only, me.


i breathe hastily

the underlying of a subconscious panic,

spilling through my dreams,

filtered guilt (a manic therapy)

inspiring this disconcerning eulogy, to mark

a suicidal relief.

pacing thoughts that cloud my thinking,

replacing the normal.

(so heavy are the memories i'm buried underneath.)

no logic can explain

the strength of bones,

those, skeletal remains that wait, gathering

in the closet, hauntingly

trying on my clothes.

lying is a reminder

of the truth that's never told.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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This was very powerful christopher, I am at a complete loss for words and a little vexed- very moving piece.
Peace & Love