
In Cold Blood.

the withdrawal

back into ones corners,

of small downfall.

failure, viewed as a loss for the collective,

a bewildering moss stagnates change and motivation

or lack there of...., on duckless pond.

the issues, stage an awakening

that overwhelms with eye opening introspect,

exposed, out in the open

the numb awareness of the person you've become,

the little things have evolved into sudden giants.

looking over the lines that were crossed,

this is my personal account

as seen through eye's like a rain cloud,

expressed in the words, of a dreamer.

the truth is so naked

it makes it hard to swallow

when life revolves around a vacancy,

what use is there?

for tomorrow~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is what happens, when you don't say, what needs to be said, the lines between the significant and the other, disintergrate~

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I came into this one anticipating the 'the world is a stage on which I am an actor' speech but wow, what a pleasant surprise.
I always find it tragic when things are left unsaid or unfinished... there's something much more comforting about closure.