Promises and Suggestive Plans

Late at night, as dreams blow in on the breeze,

in silence I create indecent plays

starring you and I- a passionate craze.

Some call it obscene, dirty thoughts like these.

In protest I enjoy illicit ways:

creating sweet moments and lost in your haze-

frantic, high on this ritual to please.

Improper, perhaps, who cares what is right

as I use all our senses to explore:

Conjuring these thoughts may go on all night.

Furious, yet sweet, a sensual fight.

Take it away and I'm begging for more.

In for a ride with what I have in store.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for my boyfriend, Jeremy, one night as I was missing him...
missing him. :P

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This is a wonderful poem.

This is a wonderful poem.

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <