You said we were friends
But you lied to me
Because you said if you saw me anywhere you would say hi
And talk to me
But you know what is sad
Is I believed you but you lied
I said hi first
But you probably wouldn?t have said hi if I didn?t
That is pretty sad when you promised
Now it is hard to believe someone
And actually trust them as a friend
If you aren?t going to do something
Don?t tell them you are
That is why friendships never become
Because you promised
And you lied
What if that person died
That you promised to do something for
And you didn?t
And what if that was there last wish
All I have to say about it is you are a poor, poor friend
You shouldn?t have friends
If you are going to treat them like that
A promise is a promise
So don?t break it
If you do you?ll probably break a friendship
Also half of those friendships will not become
Because you didn?t do what you said
My last wish that friends can only give
Is when you say you are going to do something
And it has to do with me
Then do it
Because what if I died that day