So this is goodbye

You said this wouldn't be goodbye. You promised me a forever on a dream that I never knew existed. Yet my heart aches and I feel the ice begin to melt as I realise the pain saying the words will cause. When I was scared and alone you showed me the way home. When I stumbled you caught me. When I was drowning, in a sea of my own misery and self loathing you rescued me from the demons. 

But you knew.

You knew I'd have to let you go. You knew it would end. You knew.

You let me be selfish, you let me have you, you let me win. Why? 

What do you see? Why do you love? You shouldn't. I'm poison. I'll kill you. 

Still you won't say it. 

I want to scream and cry and curse, yet all I'll do is cry myself to sleep, pining for the warmth you provided, the warmth I can no longer take. 

So I'll let the ice form, I'll cry the river and watch it freeze. I'm used to it. The heat of my passion will cool as quickly as it always does and my magic will die. I'll put the mask on and I'll be fine, just fine. Except I won't. Because there's a hole, a void, a chasm. 

So I'll say the words you won't, because you need me to. 


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In time, all things.........

There's still time yet, at least one last Hurrraaaaah, there's still time yet.

this is not the end, this is not the begining of the end, this is merely the end of the begining.