I met this wonderful person
This handsome, sweet guy
Whom wanted me just as much
As I wanted him
But he also wanted
Why didn't I let him go?
Because I thought I was in love
Maybe I was blinded by that fact
I'll never be quite sure
We grew apart somehow
Me and this wonderful person
And I ran, crying and torn
My heart, jagged and broken
Straight into the arms of another
Wonderful, handsome, and sweet guy
I cried for hours upon his shoulders
In his soft embrace
I felt safer than I ever had
Once my tears had stopped
My eyes opened and saw this guy
Looked straight into his eyes
I saw his soul, his beautiful mind
And I fell again
Farther than last
But with one minor exception
I was truly in love
I wanted nothing else but for him to be by me
Never leave me
Hold me always
But he...was involved with another
Another whom I knew very well
My best friend
So I graciously stepped aside,
Kneeling I begged her to push me aside
And continue with their lives
She kept pulling me towards him
Again and again
I pushed her away, back to my knees
I told her, go on and be happy
But she knew I was hurting
She finally pulled me up by the scruff of my neck
And threw me back with him
Walking away, she baid us farewell
And my link with him grew
Telling myself I knew my friend would be back
And take him away, not to get attached
I did anyway
And he...wanted another like before
It felt like the first time again
I wept and fled
My heart was torn open once again
The edges even sharper than before
The wounds were ripped open and bled
Onto the cold, white marble floor
I bled and bled
Sobbing and wondering
Why didn't I leave him?
I am in love with him
I never want to live my life alone again
I want him by my side always
He's the one for me
I'm the one for him
Why didn't I tell him off?
Why didn't I hurt him?
*shrug and smirks*
Whoever said I didn't?
Oh.. my GOD.
I read this and almost started crying, because I am going through the EXACT same thing:
"I met this wonderful person
This handsome, sweet guy
Whom wanted me just as much
As I wanted him
But he also wanted
One..two... (i wish i could bold this...)
Why didn't I let him go?
Because I thought I was in love
Maybe I was blinded by that fact
I'll never be quite sure
We grew apart somehow
Me and this wonderful person"
That. THAT actually brought tears to my eyes because it's happening to me, but I'm too "in love" to walk away. It's so.. hard. But hey, please know you're not the only one who feels this. I'm so glad you wrote this, but I can imagine (and almost feel) how horrible this is, because it is. It hurts, it tears, it breaks. I can't hate because I love too much. Then again, I feel so angry and hurt and betrayed.
I hope everything, everything works out for you, though. I hope nothing (anything else) of harm comes to you. Beautiful poem.. It captured everything in my heart. =D