The blade of my dagger
Crimson Rose
Comes closer to my cheek
And I caress it gently
Kissing the cold, stainless steel blade
And place it at the base of my wrist
At my pulse, I feel the blood flow through
My green veins that wrap around my arm
My hand clenches around the handle tightly
And I find myself shaking violently
I'm scared of dying
But if I do...
Everything will be better...
Won't it?
Then they can just go back to being two...
Happy lovers
With no one else to interrupt them
And their bliss
I press as hard as I can
Without breaking the skin
And run the tip down my vein
And watch as the skin puffs a pink color
So normal for me
I remember one year ago..
I used to see it all the time
And never flinch
Never give it a second thought
The blood was always the best part
Seeing it would fill me with adrenaline
And make my heart beat faster
I look up and I smirk at him
Wondering if he notices what I'm about to do
Or if he thinks I'm just fooling around
But I see the fear in his eyes
And something in me recoils
I do a double-take and stare harder
My mind is shrinking back from the action
I know that I can not do it mentally
But physically I want to and keep thinking
"Do've tried before..keep pushing.."
But the blade is taken away slowly from my skin
Leaving the red marks to stay but fade slowly
Sure I've tried it before...
And I never cut the right way either
I was afraid of dying...
Of leaving the one I love.
And making him go through all the things
I had to when my friend was in the hospital
She tried to commit suicide
And I've never been so mad and sad in my life
When she got out
She got the beating of a life time
But I still care for her
And I guess I have more than one reason to stay alive
I just never thought about it hard enough
There are people who love me
And I love them too
I'm sorry..
You say you were scared of dying but always remember it was something I have said before in the past. You don't need to be strong to kill yourself, you must be weak the weak die but the strong live and fight life and come out triumphant, the weak lay down to afraid to continue living."