A Boy I Once Knew


A boy I once knew

So fair and so kind

He loved me

At least, I thought he did.

We talked

We laughed

I fell for him one day

I'm not quite sure which

Then he told me

One name I never want to hear

Ever again

For as long as I live

She is probably prettier than me

More delicate than me

Fairer skin than me

Laughs cuter than me

Loves him more than me


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a very personal poem and I debated whether I should post it or not, but I decided that all the people that read my poems deserve to know the real me and so I did. Oh and one more thing, this is to who this poem is about: Good luck with Holly, I hope you're happy without me.

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chris's picture

Wow! Excellent poem, you have there. I loved it. I loved the way it flow, it was great. I can relate. It is hard to lose a love to somebody else. Males go through the same thing as well. Finally, I can relate about the personal nature of the piece. I think that was courageous of you to post them poem, so we can get a sense of who you are-a strong, brave person.

Thanks for sharing it and keep writing.