I'm Sorry

If I could turn back time

And realize how selfish I was when it came to you

I wouldn't be sitting here

Crying until no tomorrow

Because you're gone

When I sit in my room all alone

Thinking about everything we went through

I can't help but sit here and cry

Like a thunderstorms rain

Because if I wasn't so selfish, would I have lost you?

But as much as I am sorry

I will stop crying someday

I hope you DO realize

Even though I will NEVER say this to your face

Babe, I'm sorry for everything

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem because we had to write one for our poetry unit in English. My friends and family thought it was good so I figured I would post this one first

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Kiera Contreni's picture

Oh wow... I did stuff like that, to this guy that I used to like. We never got together though, but I bet he hurt me more than I hurt him. Serves me right though, for telling him to fuck off.

Kaitlin Kooly's picture

i would talk more about during the relationship and how you guys were together and then have to "When i sit in my room alone" because readers find it more interesting when they have a flashback and they understand what is was like in your relationship.

and y can't u ever tell him? sry if that is too personal but i hope u won't regret your desicion.

Mark Kuntz's picture

"Even though I will NEVER say this to your face"

Well, haven't you just said it to his face, right there? Only joking. I like the anticlimactic quality to this one. I truly wasn't expecting the last line. Well done.

Trish's picture

OMG I effin' LOVE this poem my cuzzy it rules! Who knew you were poet! Great job on everything!! I'm proud of the poem you posted up because it's really great! You seriously expressed the way you feel/felt and stuff. Love ya hun, Ltz.