9 lives

For my furkids

How quickly 9 lives fly,

Seems just yesterday you were a kitten

Now here we are saying goodbye.

There are so many memories I'll miss of you and me

Who will yell at the squirrels in the yard?

Who will steal the staws from my tea?

Who will steal the food off my spoon?

Who will headbutt me in the morning 

Then nap with me on a lazy afternoon?

No amount of time with you would have ever been enough.

But your 9 lives flew bye so quickly.

Goodbyes are always tough.

I'll miss you so much more than words can say,

 I know you are free of pain now

Run free and play. 

Someday we will meet again,

Wait for me in the heavens above.

And know I'll love you until my end.

How quickly your 9 lives flew by.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Kaos, my beloved silver Bengal

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allets's picture

Cat Person Poet

Kaos stole your tea straws? - that is a priceless memory. When I was a kid, our cat, Winifred, used to fall asleep on top of the clothes in the clothes basket. Fair winds, Kaos.




lyrycsyntyme's picture

Very beautiful, and as one

Very beautiful, and as one who also has enjoyed the company of cats over the years, very relatable for me. I'm very sorry that you've lost your feline friend - for now. I, too, say "in time". They are sweet creatures that are full of life and wonder, and sometimes we're lucky enough that they inspire youthful vigor in us. Sometimes we're lucky that they inspire us just to stop and look at the world. Both are wins.