
She's beautiful

Like the sun's rays

On a cool autumn day

When the leaves make the air smell

When the world's not such a living hell

I wanted to be her best friend

Stand by her side until the end

She's sweet

Like a suger-coated gum drop

Like the tangy taste of my favorite pop

When the days aren't so bad

And the world's not so sad

I wanted to be her best friend

Stand by her side until the end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For one of my best friends AMY. She's great, and I couldn't live without her.

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Beverly Ward's picture

hey i have been reading a few of ur poems and thier gr8 so far. I started off by doing a search for a poem named "life" to c if everyone is depressed and well ur poem was cool.

Lala Belle's picture

Great job...was that about Amy P.?

Poko Dot's picture

hey Chera!
this is a great poem! keep it up buddie!!
heart always