Set Free

The wind blows over my shoulder

The skies lit with calm blue 

The grasses are swaying themselves to sleep

With no one around, I rejoice this serene solitude

I have never seen anything so clear before

This whole world breathed a new life into me

I spread my arms hugging the honeyed breeze

And it feels like I am flying 

Not with wings but with my heart

Like a balloon floating away, I set free

All the things that brought me down

And my hope anchored on a bright future

Things are promising as ever

This solitariness is soothing for

I know I'm being loved and  I love 

With all that I have got, people who deserve it in full.


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GOHIL48's picture

this is so peaceful and

this is so peaceful and refrshing.. loved it!:)

nightlight1220's picture

Beautiful words, Cecilia. You

Beautiful words, Cecilia. You write so eloquently. ~peace~


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Jesster's picture

Enjoyed this read Cecilia. I

Enjoyed this read Cecilia. I think this is my first reading of your work. Welcome to postpoems. I look forward to more. :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Cecilia's picture

Thanks :)

Thanks a lot for your apreciation Smile I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Keep reading Smile

 Ceci Wink