I fought for me.
And at long last,
Did I decide
That enough
was way past
I prayed for a peace
For strength,
And prayed for
The courage
That until now
Eluded my
every step.
And with the heart
Of a battle ready warrior,
My soul my weapon,
I made my stand,
Stood fast
And fought for
My very life.
After countless years
Of defeat
Of battle-scarred losses,
This was my
And victorious,
I emerged.
I fight that fight
No more.
I have found peace
In triumph
And love
After my war.
Truly beautiful..............
I admire your honest and courage and the strength and talent you possess to write such a deeply felt piece.............. after all pain too is a tool.......Sincerest praise, Melissa Lundeen.
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your kind words, Melissa.
Its all very recent, and the divorce is final...yea!!!...lol..but now, life is right before me and I have found not only the peace, but yes, have found TRUE LOVE with my TRUE LIFE'S SOUL MATE!