
Every day that we are apart, each time I go to sleep alone, my soul opens a little more.

I left a part of my heart with you and I just realized that you weren’t going to lose it.

Each day that my face does not see yours, I find that the effort I used to force into us has turned into a freedom to love.

I have plunged into a passion so pure that all I want to do is bathe inside you.

I left you and my body sighed… the utter calm and intense pain wrapped around me and I knew that I had never been in love until now.

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

This is a poem that all

This is a poem that all lovers should read and study.  Its profound understanding of the processes of love is splendid!

Coerulescent [fka Starward] <

blissfully_yours's picture

i really like this one....i can relate...i suppose that is why....and also i think it's cool we have the same name.