"The Rose"

I hold a rose,

Sent from you,

Which was once filled,

With life, and beauty,

Like you're love for me.

But this rose is now dead,

Wilting, and old

Like you're love for me.

Never again will life be the same.

All I do is cry inside,

Theres just to much,

Time cannot erase.

But one day,

In heaven...

We'll be together for eternity,

Nothing can stop us,

One day,

It will be perfect again,

Like this rose once was,

We will have life, and beauty once more,

In the next life over.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

self explanitory :(

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Lloyd Wagoner's picture

nice. really nice. you have an awesome style...

Deathscompanion8's picture

Hey you don't know me just randomly reading poems this is a sad poem :(. I hope nothing like this happens to you again.