The Moth

Tiny dainty creature with fragile wings.

Kept behind transparent walls,

how does it feel to be observed ever so precisely?

Drops of water falling on your delicate exterior.

Is your soul this fragile as well?

Left in a state of complete solitude.

Maybe we are not so different after all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was inspired by my writing teacher. One day we came to class and she had caught an interesting looking moth in a plastic container.

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9inety's picture


be inspired, it is aquired, but not required.

As is excellence, and so is eloquence, all as admirable as your writing.

I encourage you to continue.



"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

Jesster's picture

I'm with 9inety.... Continue

I'm with 9inety.... Continue

Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture


I'm with 90 and HW...look forward to more gems soon.


We are all solitary

in a crowded room

walking an emptied street

under lamplight

or in a room chandelier brilliant

we are inside and come out

like a one day bloom

on a morning glory

then fade and fall off

back in ourselves.





Jesster's picture

Great comment, ladyA

Great comment, ladyA

Copyright © JessterStarshine