Paperclip Blues

At 0446 this morning

I took an aluminium-earlobe-

-hearingloop-shaped paperclip

and did the old ordinary,

twisting it straight.

Then I mangled it slightly

and kneaded its middle attempting

to make it an S and it broke.

I took the first splinter

and folded it over, crushing

the junction and twisting it

upwards and over and made

a straight line with a midway


The second part I fiddled and

snaked it and turned it and

made a crude epsilon midway

stressed arc.

I got one in the one hand and

other in other and tried to thread

the old epsilon arc shape

through the initial part epsilin loop.

I stuck out my tongue and sweated

my nerves and daintily inserted

the arch through the loop.

When the news came on at 0500

I was holding a miniature coat -

hanger mongol.

Why the hell am I alive?

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This was a great read. The way I see it is, the person in the poem distracts themselves constantly for the 14 minutes to distract themselves from feeling upset. There tends to be a huge connection between those kind of feelings and insomnia. Loved the Enjambment, really brought the poem alive and draws you in.