The Bells On Jessup Mountain

When the sun hits just right

The first rays of light

Of the day pave the way

For the morning

Melts the snow just a bit

So it's even brighter lit

Though the ice shall survive

Through the morning

In the tower on the hill

Next to the flour mill

Where the cold can take hold

Even tighter

Lives an old and lonely man

Up before the day began

Full of dreams of a queen

Warmth inside her

While in the valley down below

In a house covered in snow

Last nights coals start to glow

Ever gently

As the new wood starts to burn

And the warm feelings return

And spread with smoke through the throat

Of the chimney

To the old and lonely man

Who with his frail arthritic hand

Pulls the rope in the hope

The bells will call

And bring everyone awake

With the joyful sound they make

As they sing and they ring

Blessing all

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Judy Costea's picture

This is such a beautiful poem, I can picture everything you speak of in this poem.. How beautiful one can only imagine the sounds made by the beautiful bells...
Thank you for sharing this.
Peace and Love