It wastes away
A time long past
I knew it could never last
The flower blooms
only to wither and die
and spit out a lie
of times to come
oh you'll go great places
It is all merry
But I won't forget
no I Will not forget
The sky bluer
The grass greener
The air fresher
nothing mattered
ice cream
hope for the world
people are good
but then that all got unfurled
But I won't forget.
No I won't forget
bluer skies, I long for but
bluer skies, I long for but sometimes the earth needs rain
Yer poem resonates with me
Copyright © JessterStarshine
I Am working on an idea for a poem about luck vs choices framed by the concepts inside free will and God as not corporeal. I will explore opposites. This poem crystallized a few things. Thanks for posting ~allets~