He and I

He and I


He is a conservative thinker

I am a liberal thinker 

He is straight forward and to the point

I am a why? person

He is steady

I am constantly changing

He walks fast and with a purpose

I walk slower and look around

He looks away when I stare

I look right at him and study

He is instructive 

I am creative 

He shuts down 

I will open up




He also understands why I love 

He also answers my whys

He is patient with my constant winds of change

He will walk slower so I can look up longer 

He smiles when he finds me staring

He motivates my creations

He will sit and hold me tight when I start to break down


to the man that holds my heart...

I love you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i could not sleep So I figured I would write this for my husband. Just Appreciating what I have. With all the chaos around just trying to spread some love.

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DivineGoddess111's picture

This is beautiful connection

This is beautiful connection is divine. Thank you for sharing.