Call me what you please
Go ahead and tease
Do you know how I feel?
Can you look into my eyes?
Can you tell me my life story?
Can you show me the time of my life?
I thought so
No you cant
No one can
So why do you think you can?
Why do you think Im a joke?
I wish you knew me
Then maybe you can put your feet in my shoes
And walk for a day
Where well you go?
Who well you see?
Why are you there?
You really want to know
You well go to school
Half an-hour in to it you well find yourself
In the bathroom on the floor
Hoping no one can hear your tears fall
Why are you there?
Who is with you?
You are by yourself
All alone
People walking in and out
You hold your breath so no one can hear
Why are you there?
Figure it out on your own
Now you have missed one class youre already late for your next
So you start running
Youve stop crying
But the people in the hall talk behind your back
You hear them
Somehow the tears come back
Now youre running and crying
What are you going to do now?
You run to the bathroom
Theirs people there
Do you like those people?
DO you want to explain yourself?
Why are you crying?
Why do you look so upset?
All these questions run threw their minds
But really do they care
No they dont even know you
So people
Thats one day in the life in my shoes.
Do you really want to wear my shoes?