
Have you ever wondered why friends are always there

Or why there always home when your in a bad mood

Or why they always come up with the best ideas

or why they always know if you been crying

or how they know your heart has been broken

or how they know when you have fun at a party or if you had a lowsy time

or how they always help you on your homework

i guesse with out friends we would be nothing!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for shantelle and tara!
i love you guys both!

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Shantelle Darlin's picture

hey girl sorry i have not phoned i just read this poem and though about everything we have been though together and i think we should talk agian u can e mail me at

James Haggerty's picture

There are two things that a crafter of words needs to possess: 1)a mastery of the use of grammer which will be on constant display. 2)a dictionary. I assume that you are in school, therefore I would think that your english teacher could be of great value to you concerning #1 and concerning #2, it can be found in the library. Most schools have one of those and if yours does not, again, see your english teacher. Keep on writing. James