Imperfect circle
You are a mouse
Runnin` around maze
Which walls are there
by someone else
On their white surface
You only see it’s whiteness
You are a tool
But dumped in hands of others
Blinded and brainwashed
Imperfect circle
Culturally crippled
Bright colors deceive you
Not taught to ask questions
But modeled what to think
and not how
To use less words
and more signs
No stops,
No excuses.
Led to abbeys of immorality
Standing on the stools
Petrified by the mice
You weren’t asked what you want
Only given a check
Acting like motor without coil
Mono faze current
Net attached storage
Cloud binaries
Fifth wheel
Shared as broken sculpture
Cast in scrap iron
Bolted to the ground
Eaten by erosion
Stretched in images of past
Raised on hate
Learned to regret everything
To be ashamed all the time
Not to ask for your belongings
As they are given to others
Numbed by white noise
Played by those who rule
With shallow buried hope
Never to await tomorrow
But land is shaken
And unconsciousness awaken
I Offer You My Awe
"...Culturally crippled..." - is that like aesthetic absentia? Will return to this one for topical updates from time to time. -A-