My Lane

As usual, I woke up this morning and scrolled Facebook and Instagram for my daily motivation but seen some things that made me stop dead in my tracks.

I said to myself "wait a minute  I know he and she did not  have the nerves to post that?!"

I was completely out of line but about to have a fit because I was so offended.

But as soon as I started feeling a little judgementmal my attempt abruptly ended.

See, I had to remind myself that what they do is their business and has nothing to do with me!?!

I would not have gotten in my feelings had I not been nosy by clicking their posts to see!

Furthermore, with all the crap I have done in my life, who am I to try to offer my unsolicited opinions?

I remember the days of feeling some type of way before the social media storms when the hyprotical statements were said face to face.

And even then the uninvited opinions of other were mostly out of place.

I remember feeling very limited with my self-expression without an outlet to blog my authentic self.

When the internet became the social norm it was a game changer so I took my creative mental vault off the shelf!

Shame on me for having a temporary lapse of good judgement earlier today when I should have started the day off right by getting on my knees to pray.

Now that I am back to reality I gotta ensure to maintain my inventory, better known as stay in my lane.

I need to focus on getting my house in order rather than worrying about others affairs nor imposing unwarranted shame.

I gotta be consistent in minding the business that I own and when necessary direct others to their rightfully dedicated lane. 


By Bryant Mosley







Author's Notes/Comments: 

Mind your business  internet trolls no judgement welcomed we all have done things that have been judged by unsolicited imposing opinions especially in this day of social media trolling etc

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Much wisdom in this poem.

Much wisdom in this poem.
