Nah nah don't do it...don't set yourself up to be and sound like a fool.
I am the same complicated gentleman you have been dealing with for years, you were just one tracked minded which was not cool.
Remember you told and showed me It wasn't a turn on for me to express sincere and loyal love for you?
You'd rather I appeared and acted like a thug Instead of showing you in action that my love was genuine and true.
I remember practicing and pretending to be that stereotyipcal low life to try to retain your devotion.
I remember banging your back like out like a porn star without lube or lotion!
I also remember that empty feeling after we were done and wondering how much longer I could pretend.
I admit it was my fault for trying to conform investing into something that clearly was temporary and destinted to abruptly end.
I am sorry for allowing my endless desire for someting substantial to allow me to be the fool I accused you to be.
The fact of the matter is, the lack of real progress actually started and ended with me.
I apologize for not presenting my authentic self and misleading you to think I was that image you so strongly desired.
But I thank you for helping me realize the importance of self love and aiding me to allow the pretender to expire.
I can not highlight enough how valuable the lessons I learned when I was trying to pursue you.
I am emotionally indepted to you for the repair to my self esteem and allowing my unique heart to eventually shine through.
Please forgive me for wasting both our time in the past.
I have reclaimed myself as the priority and now demand the return of of equal effort in building something that will last.
By Bryant Mosley
I have reclaimed myself as
I have reclaimed myself as the priority and now demand the return of of equal effort in building something that will last.
a Damaged crazy soul
You express it both well and
You express it both well and convincingly.