In The Spirit Of Thanks Giving

I know this is a controversial holiday due to the history of it's origins; that in mind I am consious to never intentional offend. 

However I would be remisced to not acknowledge all you that have in one way or the other came trough for me this year even before this year ends.

In the spirit of Thanks Giving I sincerely want to do just that; thank each and everyone of you for effortlessly suporting and assuring me that I am not battling issues alone.

Whether it was the virtual support,  secretly keeping me in your prayers or returning my gestures by verbally supporting for me in the spirit I have always generously shown. 

This year like no other  has been a mental Tsunami of failures and unpleasant surprises.

I know for a fact that I am successfully conquering  it with sincere returned love and even more energized by haters whom my courageous spirit despises.

In conclusion I echo  my previous sentiment of Thanks Giving for those that genuinely love me as I do the same for you.

Let's continue to be here for one another differences aside; unified selfless signs of care solidifies there is noting we can't get through. 


By Bryant Mosley


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patriciajj's picture

I can't think of a better way

I can't think of a better way to inspire acceptance, open-mindedness and kindness than this radiant expression. Certainly more unites us in our hopes and dreams than divides us in our moments of ignorance and fear.


Kudos for being a peacemaker and a guiding light.

BMosley's picture

Thanks for relating and the support :)

Thanks for the feedback and support. I totally agree acceptance and open minds are essential aspects of unity and support. 


Every day we witness is a blessing, desipite the outcome!



J-C4113D's picture

I am very glad for your

I am very glad for your presence on Postpoems; and, although we have not had much interaction or communication, I applaud this testimony you have posted, and I am very thankful for that final paragraph, "Let's continue to be here . . ." which describes and summarizes one of the chiefest aspects of Postpoems, of which I am so thankful to be a member, and to be a member among such fine, fine Poets and human beings.  Our individual differences are like the themes and variations within a Sonata, but our great similarity---being Human---is the Sonata that makes those themes and variations possible.  Like Pop Stevens said in one of his greatest poems, "Being there together is enough."


BMosley's picture

Thank you for reading and giving feedback.

Thanks for reading my work and providing feedack, glad to be amongst a community of talented nurturing artists  as well. :)

Every day we witness is a blessing, desipite the outcome!



J-C4113D's picture

Thank you for sharing with

Thank you for sharing with us.
