Phenomenal Random Thing

Its just a Random accidental thing,-

First-time appearance, and may soon be gone-

Or could it be perhaps a fountain spring,

Or water shed for unknown thing to come?

Though nature rules with her consistent order,-

This Random thing may venture to derail-  

The maverick may gut the used to order,

Smash the accustomed  bounds and move the pale.

O Randomness,- Oh word so lightly used!

New independent sign not yet explained,

Let it not be with pointlessness confused,

But in the prodigy’s realm contained.

We’ r linked to everything that does exist,

Say scientists and the cosmologist,

Linked to each other and all else that is,

A network wrought and twined  in  mysteries.

An open  universe can entertain

Man’s deepest aspirations of wide scope,

While closed a universe  makes hope in  vain,-

“To him belongs the word that can bring Hope!*

So true, there is Euclidean geometry.

And theorems of great Pytagoras,

But maybe   Random Things may soon surpass

The wisdom of the ancient genii.

Lo! our Postulates are vague and brittle,

We don’t expect much  and thus see so little.

But lo - there is this little Random Thing,

The Lord directs, and knows what it will bring!

*Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J

© Elizabeth Dandy

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