The Zodiacal Sign "Taurus"

The Taurus


April 23-May 21

Family,- Earth - Stability

The Taurus is of Earth’s Element

And of this homey mother redolent;

Stands stolidly and firmly upon her

With four feet planted there full square

The Taurus’ middle name is: “Practical”

Affectionate, resourceful, - jovial,

His Flower: Hedge Rose and the Water Cress

His second middle name is  “Stubbornness”

Is orthodox, - distrusts philosophy-

Clings to strict creed whatever it may be;

Considers pious speculation sin,

But is attached to canon and doctrine.

With Venus ruling, restive Bulls wax hot

And  for relief will  tie the marriage knot

True-blue- unmovable upon the field

Bull will yet join a couch-potatoes’ guild.

Bull’s Color is the truest baby-blue

His Stone, the Emerald (a Lord’s bijou)

Loves cuddly  dainty pinks and clear pastels,

Is fond of music and of aquarelles.

The Quality of Taurus-Bull is “Fixed”

Because uneasily he stands betwixt

The airy Gemini and fiery Ram

Who tease: “Ole!! Ole!”- run cousin Sam!

Creative, patient, kind, convivial,

Bulls serve obligingly when need does call.

But when infuriated earnestly

What lethal power,- hasten,  run and flee!

To move him is like moving mixed cement

Or concrete cured last year - (no ill is meant)

Bull’s settled, patient and conservative

Defers to Aries, the Roundel’s Chief..

His primary concern is family,

To it the Taurus clings with fervency.

In love with cultivating land, Oh land!

Bull keeps his turf and fields  luxuriant.

Has balance, poise, and Oh!  stability,

Possessive just a bit - or overly,

he deepest need,- is comfort and sweet ease,

From dangerous adventure Taurus flees

Is compatible with the Virgo sign,

And Scorpio and sun sign leonine,

Land, soil and turf, estate and property,

To fill his needs for large a family.

To serve them well the Taurus will not tire,

Himself the perfect symbol of Desire,

His colors orange yellows - earth’ tone,

The emerald is Taurus’ special stone.

I  shall not speak of Egypt’s Taurus here

Nor the Mithraic Persian Bull, for fear

Osiris might my prattling much resent

And Zarathustra rightful fury vent

Against so frivolous  a narrative

About the Taurus who they do believe

To be celestial, - sacred Apis bright-

Osiris incarnate,- the Bull of Light.

A white-winged Bull speaks to the Christian fold

From churches and cathedrals‘ archivolt;

LUKE Taurus from his quarter frame does gaze

To loud proclaim Good News of love and grace.

When yet a child I saw a loitering bull

While sitting by a farm fence after school;

He stared at me, then drenched me with a spray

He‘d seen enough, - he turned and sped away.

Best wishes to all the Taurus-Bulls!

by:Elizabeth Dandy

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Elizabeth.. a beautiful poem

perhaps if you smelled like a vegetarian
he would not have drenched you with spray

Buddha .. a vegetarian.. is worshipped most
in the day of the full moon in taurus