At dusk you can see
what lays dearly on the Moon
rising above the far horizon.
So magical.
From where one stands
the stars act as fruit
ripe to pick off the lightly darkened
countours of the sky,
something not mensurable.
Drawing nearer to the ocean's edge I leap.
I snatch one of my own
in rapid motion while I smile.
And, as a result, I dive,
like shooting stars that dimly sparkle.
I become part of the waves
to fall underneath the surface
with an aqueous wanting held on closely.
Spiral after spiral moving slowly
to the indefinite, taciturn bottom
will I breath the pure water.
This heart of mine churns sanguine songs.
I swim gently.
But isn't it beautiful?
I know that scathing tears heal
even though I'm cocooned
by tear-stained blue.
Closing these eyes
I can see effervescence
slip through my touch.
Underwater falling asleep
the tears of the Moon do fall
for a silent wish.
Except for changing the verbal tense at the end ["do" should be used instead of "does", as the noun "tears" is plural], this poem is one of the most beautiful I have read in a long long time. Your use of metaphor in this poem is both admirable and (because I do not use it well) almost mystifying. This is an excellent poem.