Sarah Grace

Hail Sarah, full of grace, the Lord is with you

Blessed are you among children

And blessed is your coming in our hour of need

Some say cursed you are to arrive in this dark time

Yet I prophesy that your coming is a blessing from Heaven

A rose for a thorn bush

Blessed be Sarah, for when all other are severed

She shall be the tie that binds our family in love

Blessed be the tie that binds, Sarah Grace

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When my family was in turmoil, the long awaited birth of my cousin Sarah Grace in June 2004 united our family. This is a tribute to her. This a tribute to God who works in mysterious ways.

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Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

May God bless Sarah Grace

Q Amidala's picture

Very emotional. Very well put.

animus's picture

You should recite this to the family...hehehe (second stanza, second line; was "I prophesy" intentional) you know me, I take after Mrs. Conner