Sweet Love

My Poems

Working day by day, the hours go by,

My heart flying way up in the sky!

Thinking of you, and missing you so,

Just wishing I could let you know!

How much I need you, how much I care,

Timeless passion for you without despair!

Missing you deeply with every minute that passes,

My love growing for you with each day that flashes!

Dreaming of your touch is just not enough,

I must have it, to be without you is just so tough!

My soul crying out for you, wanting your heart,

Yearning to be with you, and to never part!

A glorious spring day just burning away,

Wanting you to come be with me and forever stay!

The minute I get to touch you for that very first time,

Will make my heart sing just like a chime!

I pray to God high up above,

That I never lose your or your Sweet Love!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I Love You Carrie!
Love Always,
June 14/09

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