Darren Daigle

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Canada, Eh

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What I want you to know about me...

building websites, collecting music, writting poems and spending time with my daughter!!

My name is Darren Daigle. My "Indian name" is Paqtism. This is the Mi'kmaw word for wolf! I am a Mi'kmaw First Nations (Native American) Indian from Canada. I live in Northwestern, Ontario in a little town called Sioux Lookout! I was born on July 28th, 1973 in the city of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Lately I have been searching for my ancestors and finding out where they came from! To this day I have learned that my people are originally from Eel Ground, Newbrunswick, Canada. A reserve of only 200 people. I have lived most of my life being "white" and now searching for the "true FREE indian" from deep within me! I seek for my ancestors traditional ways and for the language they used to speak with very slight victories! I am not a racist or anything like that but I do believe in FREEDOM which most of us don't realize that we really don't have it! I am very spiritual and have very high respect for my ancestors cultures and believe in them as well as practicing them! I help out as much people I can as long as they have the strength to overcome and fight along side me! I have met an outstanding number of women whom I have had great pleasure in helping and listening to them as I feel they have the same effects on me! I have also come to understand that any little thing in life can have a huge impact on you! I have also come to where I have chosen to let the Creator guide me in my journey through life and to help guide me to make the best decisions so that I don't wander off the trail! I haven't had too many relationships as I am a man who believes in a relationship lasting for a lifetime not just a short while(just like a wolf searches for a mate to be with for the rest of his life.) I have a beautiful young daughter who was born on July 13th, 1997. My daughter(Catherine) and my wife(Carrie) are my life! They make me happy everytime I am with them and I am miserable everytime without them! As for the woman I hope to spend the rest of my life with when we get together. She has been there for me and has been the encouragement of quite a few of my poems. I love you both very very much! My job experience has been secuity for the hotel. I am on occasion a cook, dj, bouncer and front desk clerk as well but my main title wass Head of Security! I come on the internet to search for my people's background, language, traditions and to find a better way of life! By this I mean I look for my heritage and ancestry so I can pass on my people's traditions to my children so that it will not be lost forever! I am a nice person if you get to know me but I am not afraid to tell you what I think! I feel that if you have nothing to do with my life and I have nothing to do with yours then why talk about each other??? Especially when we know so little about each other!!! I do not go around looking for enemies but I also can not believe in friends. In my life I have been introduced to so many types of friends and have been distraught about the way they were that I feel it would be better to just stick to myself and let it be! Don't get me wrong......every now and then you can find a true person to talk to and trust but it doesn't come along too often. Nowadays people are more worried about stereotypes and hypocrites that they forget to see the person for who they really are! It sounds funny but I don't judge people....I can get a feeling from someone the moment I see them and whether it be good or bad I will play my part that way! If it is good then I will take the time to get to know them and talk to them frequently but if it is a bad feeling then I won't even bother!! For I know that bad comes from evil spirits that try to lead you astray! I will not let myself become a stray looking for help at the end I will forever be faithful to my Creator and follow as I am allowed! If I stray then it will be my fault and no one to blame! Then and only then can the "white man" say he has conquered a Nation of People!!! I am sorry if I upset anyone who enters my home page in good faith but like I said I must speak the truth and my people have laid back for way too long and now it's time to make our stand!!!! May the wolf spirit guide you to happiness and let you understand the fight of my people!!! I am from the Mi'kmaw tribe and I believe in FREEDOM!!!! If you disagree with me then I am sorry but I am not going to appologize for being the person I am and will become in my journey!!! This goes out to all people with faith and especially to those who believe in FREEDOM!!!! May the Creator smile upon you and your journey!!!! Yours Truely, Paqtism!!!

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If you don't know me then why judge me???


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19 years 3 weeks