I love you!

My Poems

When the wind blows cold, it runs right through me,

I sit and wonder when she will come to see.

The sun setting to the west, an orange glow,

Tears running down my soul, just hoping that she would know!

The sorrow that comes when she's not near,

Belonging to my heart that she holds dear!

Thoughts drive through, driving me crazy,

Making me feel a little dazy!

I need to feel her in my arms, warm and soft to touch,

I place I would die to be so very much!

I beg and plead that God just gives me one moment without the hurt,

Before He calls me to the dirt.

Just one moment is all I'll ever ask,

To just make her happy, would be my task!

One that I would be so proud to do,

Cause, Sweetness, I love you!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written By: DGBD
Oct. 11/09
For my Wife
I love you so much honey!

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