Horrors of a beach house.

You're siting outside your house on the porch next to the beach.
A thick fog rolled in off the cold and dark sea as waves pounded on the shore,
there like the sound of a beating drum pounding rhythmically.boom..boom..boom.
The sound seems to get closer and louder.
But are you getting closer to the sea or is it getting closer to you, or both all at once.
You feel the cool water around your feet.you feel the tide tugging at your body and soul.
Your being pulled away by it's magical luster.
Finally your overwhelmed by it's great power and are swept away into the endless sea.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is the second poem i every wrote. "Poem" if you could call it that. I hope that all that read my poems think that i have matured from this poem and become better. i would like to hear your thoughts about that point.

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I Get Into Trouble

when I give my thots on poems, so keep writing, the more words you loose to a page, any page, acutal paper, screen, in your head will make you better - reading other literature helps enormously - I improve reading other authors. Keep 'em comin' ~~A