The Day the Last Petal Falls

The day the last petal falls

Is a day of depression,

The day the rose wilts

And leaves the earth,

Leaves behind

All the lives it has touched,

All the smiles it has brought,

All the days it has brightened

The day the last petal falls

Is a day of glory,

The day an angel departs

And leaves a path,

A golden mark of sun,

A mark of hope

The day the last petal falls

Is a day that something big happens

In that single moment,

That one precious moment

When the petal touches the desk...

The rose wilts

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this for an English class in eighth grade...ironically, as the poem symbolizes death, that teacher died a few months after. It was dedicated to him and read in loving memory of Mr. Mark Johnson.

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Trixxy O'Colean's picture

I love this poem. It really touched me. I wish I could write like you.

krishna's picture

The cycle is like an antithesis to life, for sure...from death to bliss, sounds more ethnic a philosophy behind the poem. Good one.

The soul of Irrelevance, I seek!