It hurts
Like little hot pricks
From a dirty needle
Into my temple
Where I flinch in pain
My hands jump
My legs
My face
Won't stop twitching
Without my consent
Air is pumped into your lungs
As the paramedics hold your hand
Talk to you in that soothing voice
As your eyes drop back into sleep
Your body shudders
Reaching into your throat
To make yourself retch
Push those impurities out
I can't feel anything but cotten
In my mouth
We shove for control of the tap
Which holds sweet water
We hold hands as we look
Look at our friends
They keep asking questions
How much?
Of what?
How fast our hearts beat
Twice normal speed
I don't remember two seconds ago
Two words ago
They've disappered into another world
It's so different here
Where time seems to dip and sway
Into irrelevance
You once did coke
What was it like
You don't want to talk about it
Right now
You whisper
I've never seen you afraid before
And I've known you as long as I've known myself
We are told to go to sleep
So we try
But I can't stop wanting to fix things
Right now
Even though I can't
And everyone else is in tortured sleep
What am I supposed to do
How am I supposed to face
The people that saved us
I've lost their respect forever
I remember I prayed
Even though I forgot what I was saying
A dozen times
And I stumbled round once more
To kiss you all goodnight
I crawled the ladder to bed
Where the morning only left me in sobs
As my body unwilligly flinched
In dismay at what I'd done
That was a scary time, but I learned something truely amazing from the experience. I have the most amazing, beautiful, strong, loving friends and I NEVER EVER want to lose them.
I love you.
You are beautiful