Coffee Shop Collision.


He saw you.

He saw you stare at him...multiple times.

He looked so familiar...

Ahh he's reading.

I've wanted to read that.

The Naked Lunch.

Ask him! (No, he'll think I'm weird.)

He replies.

Next thing I know he's sitting across from me and we are talking

About the Beats, about life, about books.

He says he has to go to work.

That's why I know him.

He's the new guy at the other coffee shop.

View bleu-beat's Full Portfolio
Jesster's picture

I saw it all. Enjoyed the

I saw it all. Enjoyed the read, Bleu-Beat.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

allets's picture

Nice Meeting

Say a word or two and get it on - that's how it happens - nice write ~Lady A~

