
If I were to die tomorrow,

Would I leave anybody behind in sorrow

Or would they all just laugh and say

I’ll never miss her, no way

Have I treated the people I love with respect

Have I mended more hearts than I have wrecked

Have I been there the best that I could for my friends

Will I be satisfied with my life when it finally ends

Have I been the perfect daughter for my father

And did I tell my sister enough that I love her

Would my mother have been proud of me if she was still alive

Have I done my best to help this world survive

Have I done more right than  I have done wrong

Will anybody remember me when I’m gone

If I were to die today

Have I said all the things I wanted to say?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just thinking...

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Clayton Derby's picture

This poetry is great. If you would ask me to score it I would give it a 10.
Because all these thoughts in your poem are also in my head.

Sol's picture

This poem is incredibly amazing! It´s really great, the words are awesome!

Chelsea N.'s picture

Oh wow!
This was realy good. You captured the feelings for this poem very very well!