Yeah, I know, I'm weird and kind of ugly
I'm not always cutesy and snugly
Why don't you just sue me
I don't have a wasp waistline, I'm rather fat
I'm not as thin as a baseball bat
So go ahead, sue me
I know I whine a lot
and cry too much
Please, sue me
I'm not society's definition of perfection,
Hell, I'm not even close
So just go and fucking sue me
It's what on the inside that
It's what on the inside that counts. Pretty on the outside is sometimes ugly on the inside which then shines out as ugly. Beautiful on the inside shines outwardly as beautiful shining light. let your light shine!
Copyright © JessterStarshine
I know that, but some other
I know that, but some other people seem to have trouble understanding that...
~Love, Poisonous
True... but they are probably
True... but they are probably not worth your time or energy if they don't understand that.
I avoid them, but I have
I avoid them, but I have class with those who do, and it gets old really fast, but I have friends in there, too, so it's ok!
~Love, Poisonous
Only pay attention to the
Only pay attention to the love from your friends. People are catty. Just let it roll of your back...
So Sue Me?
I will sue you if you let the wenches get on your nerves. I wrote this poem a long time ago and it is still relevant.
Do not let
those wenches
get on your
nerves because
if you do
you will have
to write out
this poem
100 times
standing on
your head
in a
Words to live by!