Rale stationer kuli
Kemone tomare bhuli
Keu apni bolena tomake
Keno bhebe paina
Kancha paka dadi
Lal chera jama gay
Raligarir whistle shune
Shukno paye douray
Porter at the railway station
How can I forget you
No one calls you with respect
I fail to fathom why
Grey and black beard
Wearing red old shirt
When the train whistle blows
He runs with his rickety legs
familiar scenes like these at
familiar scenes like these at nearby Sealdah Station, yet never thought of them in this way :p
tragic indeed. no one says "apni" to them, even to the older ones. i've actually seen rich people and in turn, their kids, say "tui" to an old porter.
(on a side note, i think we should all go by "tumi", or something that is equivalent to the English "you". that way, we won't have these problems, n i won't feel uncomfortable while speaking to a stranger :p)
The original insight goes to my esteemed & accomplished friend M
The original insight goes to my esteemed & accomplished friend Mr Haque. They deserve a bit more respect don't they ? Thank you Dear Stardust for your read and comment
Thank you
Thank you so much for highlighting my poem and thus sympathising with the porters respected Mr. Bishu.
The entire credit goes to you my friend Mr Haque
The entire credit goes to you my friend Mr Haque.Your Bangla poem was fantastic !!!!!!